Los Pastores is a neighborhood in Algeciras that my 'home church' goes to visit every week. We have been trying to build relationships with the people there in hopes of planting a new church. During Semana Santa when the kids had off from school, we went to play a game of 'Rondus' (like baseball). Since I am not very sporty...I ended up playing with the smaller kids. We had great fun trying to play kickball and drawing with chalk on the sidewalk. Two of the girls giggled and giggled everytime I would speak....for my Spanish is funny to their ears! Even though my Rosetta Stone Spanish CD teaches me verbs like 'catch' and 'throw'...I had not used them until that day!
The people in Los Pastores don't have alot of hope. It is known as one of the worst neighborhoods in Algeciras because of the drugs, alcohol and fightings that go on there. As we talk to people, they share their hurts and problems. I feel helpless at times when I hear their emotional needs but I know a God who is far greater and who says that we can cast all of our cares on Him! Please join with me in praying that the people in Los Pastores will find hope in Jesus Christ!
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