During July, the lavender fields of Provence are in full bloom. You can find lavender everywhere....lavender soap, lavender sachets, lavender oil, lavender honey, lavender cookies...etc. It is beautiful and a wonderful smell! I have bought some lavendar oil and sachets that are stored in my suitcase and everytime I open it, it smells so wonderful! In case you are wondering, the 2 front people in the picture are Paula and Rebekah, 2 of the summer staff here.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Lavender Fields
During July, the lavender fields of Provence are in full bloom. You can find lavender everywhere....lavender soap, lavender sachets, lavender oil, lavender honey, lavender cookies...etc. It is beautiful and a wonderful smell! I have bought some lavendar oil and sachets that are stored in my suitcase and everytime I open it, it smells so wonderful! In case you are wondering, the 2 front people in the picture are Paula and Rebekah, 2 of the summer staff here.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Quirky Things
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Elisabet has been in the hospital for a month now. She has been released at times but has had to go back because of different seizures. They have now started her on some medication which should help but they are still monitoring her. Please pray that she would be completely healed and would be able to come home soon.
Prayer Vigil
Some information on this can be found at CompassDirect.org http://www.compassdirect.org/en/display.php?page=news&lang=en&length=short&idelement=4836&backpage=summaries
Pray for the believers there. Pray as well for leaders in all these lands so that the Word of God can go forth unhindered.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Los Pastores

The people in Los Pastores don't have alot of hope. It is known as one of the worst neighborhoods in Algeciras because of the drugs, alcohol and fightings that go on there. As we talk to people, they share their hurts and problems. I feel helpless at times when I hear their emotional needs but I know a God who is far greater and who says that we can cast all of our cares on Him! Please join with me in praying that the people in Los Pastores will find hope in Jesus Christ!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Barbary Apes of Gibraltar
Staff Retreat
How did I get off track talking about Easter Eggs? This post was supposed to be about the staff retreat. Ok...back to the retreat. Bailey Marks, retired International Director for CCC, spoke. Al used to tell me the story of when Bill Bright said to Bailey, 'How long does it take you to hear from God?' It was nice to hear the story from it's true source and to see this man's dedication to serve the Lord over so many years.
Little Monster
'I'll Put You in Prison!'
Semana Santa

I posted a 'borrowed' picture of Semana Santa in Cordoba, Spain. This is very much what the processions in Algeciras look like too. It is like a funeral march. The costumes look very much like the KKK (a little scary to us Americans). But I understand they are worn to hide the faces of the 'sinners'. There are processions daily with floats. Men carry the floats on their shoulders. They have heavy statues that depict different scenes from the last week of Jesus' life. There are also statues of Mary apparently depicting different stages of her grief.
I watched one procession this year. I really don't enjoy them. I really didn't notice any of the Spaniards moved by them. I did notice some Moroccan men standing next to me watching and wondered what they thought as they watched, since they generally think the statues are idols that Christians worship. The next night, we (me, Al and Lynne) went to Plaza Alta (the center of town) hoping we could talk with other Moroccans hanging around. We had some small conversations, some who had received the New Testament before but none really wanting to talk more.

Costa del Sol